Harold is Worried About School Starting

The clothes have been bought.

First day of school outfit.

The bedroom has (possibly) been tidied.


The snow-globe of the Empire State Building has been shaken (for good luck).

A quick shake for good luck.

Everything is ready. But…someone is still worried about something.
Second grade’s about to start for Harold and….he can’t tie his shoes. He doesn’t want the kids at school to laugh at him because he can’t tie his shoes.

If Mom doesn't tie them, they never stay on.

If someone you know is worried about school starting, read them “Harold and the Wimple-Dimple Dimmer-Wimmer.”

Because a lot of kids are worried about something: the new school bus, struggling with reading, being the new kid. Let them discover Harold’s worry, and get them talking about a worry they might have.

Available in hardcover, paperback, and e-book on Amazon, iTunes, Barnes & Noble, and right here on Flummery and Trivet.